Skin Brushing
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- By Dr. Joseph McWherter
- Posted in Bath salts, skin brushing

Your skin, aside from being one of your organs of detoxification, is also the 2nd largest organ in your body. Often, it appears to be the first to show signs of degeneration or imbalances and is the last to heal. Learn about this simple procedure that could slow the aging process.
Your skin, aside from being one of your organs of detoxification, is also the 2nd largest organ in your body. Often, it appears to be the first to show degeneration or imbalances and the last to heal. It weighs almost twice as much as the liver or brain and it receives one third of the circulation of the blood. Its functions include:
- Working as a protective shield to the body structure
- Helping to regulate body temperature
- Working as a respiratory organ
- Performing absorption activities by assimilating oxygen and other nutrients
- Aiding in elimination of toxic wastes from the body
- Allowing for the practice of mindfulness
As your skin is an important, vital, breathing organ, you should always be careful of what you put on your skin. Although the skin offers us the first protective "coat", most substances are absorbed to some extent through your skin into your lymphatic and cardiovascular system. If the substance happens to be a chemical, a toxin or a poison, your liver and kidneys will have the job of trying to neutralize any adverse effects.
Obviously, any prolonged, daily, or chronic exposure to such substances can be very damaging to your health. If your job includes such exposures, you would be well advised to take whatever precautions are necessary to prevent the absorption of such toxins through your skin or lungs.
The skin is the so-called third kidney. It works in conjunction with the kidneys in water regulation. Interestingly, perspiration and urine are chemically very similar, both containing substantial amounts of uric acid, and important waste product of metabolism.
A primary function of the skin occurs through the activities of its pores. Every square inch of the skin contains hundreds of these pores; all of which are made up of tiny muscles that must be exercised to rid toxins from the body.
Each of the organs of detoxification - colon, lungs, kidneys, skin - must do its part. A weakness exhibited by one organ forces the other organs to carry an increased workload. This can result in exhaustion and further inhibition of the body's abilities to rid itself of harmful, toxic waste.
Daily dry skin brushing can help keep your skin, healthy, vibrant, and efficient. It can:
- Remove dead skin cells
- Cleanse the pores
- Stimulate the hormone and oil-producing glands in the skin
- Help keep the skin soft, supple, and youthful
- Help improve circulation (thereby aiding the entire body)
- Help improve muscle tone
- Have an important influence on the nervous system through stimulation of nerve endings
- Assist the body in the removal of toxins
- Provide general help in improving health and vitality
- Use only a natural sponge, vegetable sponge, or loofah sponge
- Ideally, dry brush every day before bed. A less preferred time would be before your shower
- Using either short strokes, a circular or figure eight motion, brush very lightly over the entire surface of your body
- Brush for 45-60 seconds, covering the entire body
- Start brushing from the head, to the tips of the fingers, down to the tips of the toes, always moving progressively towards the heart - Be sure to include your palms and soles
- Cleanse the brush every few days with soap and warm water
Restorative Bath with the Purifying Salts
- Start by taking a 20-minutes detox soak (you may choose to also dry brush before your bath). May perform 1-3 times per week.
- Draw warm bath water that allows you to immerse your body up to, and if possible including, your neck. (The water temperature should not exceed your own body temperature by a great amount. While a hot bath feels great, a warm bath is better for your skin and immune system).
- Your warm bath should take place in a relaxing environment free of extraneous noise. We suggest either complete silence or relaxing music with appropriate lighting, including candles. This is an excellent time for the practice of mindfulness.
- Initially add 1 teaspoon of the the salts to your first bath, but you may increase the dosing up to 3-6 teaspoons.
- Following completion of the bath, immediately rinse off in the shower to remove those toxins on the skin surface. IF they are not rapidly removed, they may re-renter your body.